The Source: Slang Dictionary. the-origin-of-jewelry | Search Results | Mastercard Bank


Posted by admin | Posted in | Posted on 14/02/2011

Some pieces of jewelry have obvious word origins, like earrings and anklets, Last, but not least, let's take a look at the origin of the word jewelry.

(sometimes pronounced “Blang-Blang”) Used to be jewelry such as silver, platinum , or diamonds and sometimes gold. Now the word expands to describe extremely

5 Feb 2011 The word jewelry is originated from the word "jewel." Further tracing leads the origin of "jewelry" from the Latin word "jocale," which

6 Jul 2006 word joke, welcome to the weekend, jewelry industry: Hello and welcome to Do you know an origin of these words: Jewelry, jewels, jems,

The word Jewelry is derived from the Latin word jocale, meaning "plaything," and the word jewel, which was anglicised in the 13th century from the Old

4 Jun 2006 This Chai symbol is simply the Hebrew word Chai (literally meaning living), with the Written by David Weitzman – Ka Gold Jewelry artist

17 Jul 2008 Does the word Jewelery come from Jew? No--since others already explained the origin of the word "jewel," and traced it back to French

The word "Talisman," derived from the Greek verb "teleo," means, primarily, to accomplish, Please call before arrival. Email:

22 Sep 2008 We all know to the word 'jewelry' and we used it when referring to pieces of personal ornament such as earrings, pendants, bracelets and

5 Feb 2011 The word jewelry is originated from the word "jewel." Further tracing leads the origin of "jewelry" from the Latin word "jocale," which

The French came from the Latin word jocale. The origin of that word is lost in time, but it meant plaything. Since many crafters of jewelry today make fun

Origin: The name comes from a Sanskrit word meaning “fire”. used in jewelry and has been worn throughout history by Egypt's Pharaohs, Native Americans,

The word 'jewelry' traces its origin to the Latin word 'jocale', which literally meant 'plaything'. The word 'jewel' was has been derived from the old

The history of Jewelry and the origins of Jewellery Design from the dawn of man over 75000 The word "jewelry" is derived from the Latin word jocale,

5 Dec 2008 Origin of the word jewelry... I just learned that the word jewellery is derived from the word jewel, which was anglicised from the Old

Where Does the Word 'Jewelry' Originate From? / Just the mention of the word jewelry sets the pulses racing of many a woman. Jewelry is some... click for

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